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Road Maintenance

Whose Road is It?

Roads within the Township of Scugog are maintained by three separate authorities: the Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO), the Region of Durham, and the Township of Scugog.

Highway 7/12

Highway 7A (Scugog Street)

For maintenance issues, please contact:

Ministry of Transportation


Phone: 416-235-5462

Regional Road 2, Simcoe Street

Regional Road 6, Saintfield

Regional Road 7, Island Road

Regional Road 8, Reach Street

Regional Road 19, Shirley Road

Regional Road 21, Goodwood Road

Regional Road 23, Lakeridge Road

Regional Highway 47

Regional Road 57

For maintenance issues, please contact:

Region of Durham



Phone: 311

All remaining public roads.

For maintenance concerns, please contact: 



Phone: 905-985-7346


The Township owns and maintains over 1680 streetlights within Scugog.  These lights are regularly patrolled to identify issues however we appreciate your help in identifying street light issues as well.  Please be aware that street lights will typically be repaired within 4-6 weeks under normal circumstances.  Delays may occur periodically due to the type of repair required, contractor scheduling conflicts, shipment of parts, weather delays and emergencies. 

Roadside Maintenance

The Township is responsible for the following roadside maintenance:   

  • picking up of garbage and debris 
  • cutting roadside grass 
  • cleaning up brush 
  • trimming trees dangerously hanging over the road
  • Picking up and disposing of road kill - If the animal in question is a cat or a dog please contact Scugog Animal Control Centre at 905-985-9547 - they will pick them up and scan for a chip to find the owner.
Picture of a machine fixing a ditch


As time progresses ditches can become overgrown and begin to prevent the drainage of water.  Each year sections of ditching throughout the township are cleaned out to rectify drainage issues.  Although we do our best to address these issues in a timely manner, we are currently operating in a reactive state.  Our goal is to get to the proactive state where routine rotation of ditch maintenance can occur. 


Gravel roads require routine grading in order to keep the surface in good condition.  Grading helps rid gravel roads from potholes, reinstates proper grade for drainage and redistributes the gravel for longevity.  Gravel roads are resurfaced in accordance with the asset management plan. 

Dust Suppressant

To control dust on gravel roads dust suppressant is applied.  However, its effectiveness is a function of weather and traffic volumes.  

The Township of Scugog sprays all of the gravel surface roads with dust suppressant to aid in keeping the dust down.  Each gravel road will get one full application of dust suppressant.  If budget allows, certain high traffic gravel roads may get a second coat.  

Magnesium chloride is used for dust control on gravel roads. Attracting moisture from the atmosphere helps form a crust and hold the road fines into the aggregate surface. The performance depends on temperature, relative humidity, and traffic.

Sidewalk Maintenance and Replacement

Sidewalk replacement work involves the replacement of the miscellaneous sidewalk bays across the Township.  These bays are typically identified through the Townships yearly sidewalk inspection program.  The scope of this work includes sidewalk bays that are damaged, heaved or that have settled.  On average 1 to 3 sidewalk bays may be replaced per location, however more may be necessary depending on the existing conditions.  Minor damage or visual aesthetics do not warrant the replacement of a sidewalk bay. 


Potholes are a continuous maintenance concern across Ontario.  Below is some information on what can cause potholes and how they are repaired.

Pavements often develop potholes during winter and spring thaw conditions, when it is difficult to obtain quality patching materials. 

The Formation of Potholes 

  1. Water seeps into cracks in the pavement. 
  2. The water builds up and softens the ground under the road. 
  3. The water freezes and expands, which pushes the pavement up. 
  4. When the water under the pavement dries, a hole is left beneath the road. 
  5. The pavement is now weakened. As soon as a car drives over this area, the pavement collapses, leaving behind a pothole. 

Potholes usually occur in the spring when frost develops and snow is melting, and usually develop on the side of the road. Residents are warned to be careful when going through puddles because they can hide potholes.  

Frequently Asked Questions 

What causes potholes? 

Potholes have multiple causes including age and condition of the pavement, environmental conditions, traffic type and frequency, moisture sensitivity, and construction defects, as well as lack of funding for preventive maintenance treatments and timely rehabilitation of aging infrastructure. 

How are potholes repaired? 

The most common temporary repairs are throw-and-go and throw-and-roll methods. Throw-and-go is the most common method used in pothole repair campaigns and involves filling the pothole with material and having traffic compact it. Throw-and-roll is similar to throw-and-go with the exception that the pothole is compacted by truck tire before the crew moves to the next pothole. Semi-permanent repairs yield better results, but are more expensive and take more effort to complete a repair. 

What material is used to repair potholes? 

The most popular pothole repair patching material used in Canada is cold applied emulsion based products, followed by hot mix asphalt.  

When do pothole repairs take place? 

Weather conditions, public complaints and resources available are the main factors deciding whether temporary or semi-permanent repairs are required. Temporary repairs are usually made during poor weather conditions that are not optimal for more permanent repairs. Semi-permanent repair is normally done during favourable weather conditions and may require removal of deteriorated pavement and loose material around the repair area. Cold mix is generally used for temporary repairs with hot mix used to finish the repair. 

Potholes are usually repaired in live traffic conditions. A typical pothole and patch repair crew consists of two to five people and depends on the location, scope of work and equipment. 

What causes potholes on gravel roads? 

A pothole on a gravel road is most commonly caused by water getting trapped on or under the surface of the road because of poor drainage. The water will then displace the gravel leaving a void in the road. The best way to solve this problem is to grade the road. 

Residents are reminded to exercise caution on roads as potholes can develop when temperatures hover around zero. Township staff regularly patrol roads to monitor and determine maintenance activities that may be required.  Potholes are noted and repaired as required. 

Should residents encounter a pothole that seems to have been overlooked by staff, contact the Public Works Department to report it. 

Drainage and Storm Sewers

Storm sewers, catchbasins and roadside ditches help drain excess water from roads in the Township of Scugog. 

Open ditches and culverts collect and carry stormwater to the outfall. Roadside ditches perform four necessary functions: 
  • Drain water from the road base and sub grade 
  • Carry collected water to an appropriate outlet
  • Stop uncollected water coming from outside the road allowance from getting on the road
  • Assist in snow clearing operations by providing snow storage below the elevation of the road 

In urban areas where there are curbs and gutters along the road, stormwater is usually collected in catchbasins. The catchbasins take it to the outfall through an underground storm sewer system. Maintenance holes allow for access to the underground pipes.

Stormwater Management Ponds

Stormwater Management Ponds (SWMPs) are facilities designed to collect runoff from the local storm sewer system following either a rainfall or snowmelt event, or activities such as watering lawns and washing cars. SWMPs are built to temporarily hold this water, provide treatment to remove the pollutants, sediment, and then slowly release it back into our waterways. The Township of Scugog maintains 12 stormwater management ponds.

What is stormwater? 

  • In a natural environment, rain and melted snow fall onto soft surfaces such a grass and infiltrate into the ground. In urbanized areas, rain and melted snow fall onto hard surfaces like roads, driveways and sidewalks, roofs, and continue to travel without infiltrating. This can cause flooding. 
  • As the rain and melted snow flows across these hard surfaces it collects oil, dirt, and pollutants. The rainwater mixed with pollutants then flows into our storm sewers, stormwater management ponds, rivers, and natural waterways. The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) defines this mixture of rainwater and pollutants as municipal sewage. 
  • A stormwater management pond is man-made infrastructure built to collect and treat rainfall and surface water runoff, as required by MECP legislation. The ponds are usually found in neighbourhoods, where stormwater can easily be collected and treated.   
  • During rainfall, stormwater flows into the pond and fills the basin of the pond. As the pond fills, dirt, sediment, and pollutants settle down to the bottom. When the pond fills to its capacity, the water spills out at a controlled rate to reduce flooding and erosion to local waterways. The pollutants and sediment are left behind in the pond. Aquatic plants in the pond help with treating pollutants and plants around the edges of the pond help to stabilize banks and shade the water. 

SWMPs are not designed or intended for recreational use. For the health and safety of the public several activities are prohibited, including but not limited to: swimming or wading, skating, boating, and fishing. 

Why are stormwater management ponds unsafe for winter recreation? 

  • These ponds collect water runoff from the roads. The runoff can contain salt and other materials that impact the water's ability to freeze. 
  • Pipes constantly move water in and out of stormwater ponds, which can make water levels change frequently. 
  • The water below the ice is constantly flowing. 
  • The weather can change quickly here in Southern Ontario. Temperature, sun, wind and precipitation can all change quickly, causing weak spots in the ice. 

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